£16,728 GBP | $21,633 USD
Type: Land-Plot
Floor area: 2694 m2
Contact Agent
Location: Croatia
Speaks: English
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Delnice, Presika, agricultural land with an area of 2,694m² in the P3 zone
Delnice, Presika, agricultural land – 2,694m² Purpose: agricultural land Construction: tool shed up to 30m² permitted The land is flat and consists of two parcels located in close proximity to each other. It will never be designated as a building plot. It is located in the P3 zone –... For this property contact our agent on telephone number +385 99 .More on Eurovilla.hr, ID: 885246Direct link: eurovillaendelnice-presika-agricultural-land-with-an-area-of-2-694m2-in-the-p3-zone/885246/