£133,823 GBP | $173,061 USD
Type: Land-Plot
Floor area: 1085 m2
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Location: Croatia
Speaks: English
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Labin, surroundings, building plot, sea view
Location: Istarska županija, Labin, Labin.Labin, surroundings, building land with a view of the seaBuilding land for sale with a beautiful view of the sea in the vicinity of Labin. The total area of the land is 1085 m², the terrain has a slight slope, it is ideal for building a building with a panoramic view. The access road to the field is secured, which enables easy and quick access. All connections are located in the immediate vicinity, which makes it even easier to start construction.This land offers a unique opportunity to build your dream home with incredible sea views. Don't miss this opportunity!For more information and to arrange a tour, please contact us.ID CODE: 2006-288DIAMOND REAL ESTATE : +0824Tel: +0824E-mail: