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Apartment for sale in Fortaleza Brazil EN Immobiliers à Vendre Fortaleza Ceara FR Inmueble a la venta Fortaleza Ceara ES Immobilien zum Verkauf Fortaleza Ceara DE Immobiliari in Venditap Fortaleza Ceara IT Immobiliën te koop Fortaleza Ceara NL Imoveis venda Fortaleza Ceara PT дома Продажа недвижимости Fortaleza Ceara RU
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4 bedroom Apartment for sale in Fortaleza, Brazil

£343,049 GBP | $453,225 USD
Type: Apartment
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 6
Floor area: 235.33 m2

pool Swimming Pool
Joildo Aquino
Location: Brazil
Speaks: English, Portuguese
email Contact Agent/Owner

Advert last updated: 9/2/2024
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Transaction Sale Purpose Residential Property type Apartment Address Rua Jornalista César Magalhães, 777 Cidade Fortaleza - CE Neighborhood Guararapes Nearby landmark Av. Miguel Dias Floor 1st Floor Private area 235.33 m2 R$ 10,098.60/m2 Property age -4 years (2027) Accepts financing Yes Service area Mr. and Mrs. Closet Office Toilet Playground Living room Family room Balcony Barbecue in the apartment Employee quarters Independent service hall Porcelain flooring SPA Closet Kitchen Children's pool TV room Gym Swimming pool with lane Fitness SPA;,

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Map / Location

Exact location not provided - showing map of "Fortaleza" Brazil

Address:Rua Jornalista César Magalhães, 777
City: Fortaleza
Region: Ceara
Area: Ceara
Country: Brazil
Main Features:
Pool: check Swimming Pool
Size: 235.33 m2
Date Built:
Central Heating:
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