£84,610 GBP | $109,418 USD
Type: Land-Plot
Floor area: 843.00 m2
Dom Ekspert d.o.o.
Ivana Cikic
Location: Croatia
Speaks: English, Croatian
Advert last updated: 3/24/2025

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SESVETSKI KRALJEVEC – building plot - 669 m²
Building Land for Sale – 669 m² with an Old Structure
The land has direct access to a public road.
It is located in a mixed-use zone, primarily residential, where it is possible to build individual buildings and low-rise multi-apartment buildings.
Construction of Individual Buildings:
The following types of buildings are permitted: detached, semi-detached, and row houses:
Maximum building height: Basement + three above-ground floors, with the third floor designed as a recessed floor.
Maximum gross building area (GBP): 400 m²
Maximum plot coverage:
30% for detached buildings
40% for semi-detached buildings
50% for row houses
Minimum plot size:
500 m² for detached buildings
300 m² for semi-detached buildings
20% of the plot for row houses
Construction of Low-Rise Multi-Apartment Buildings:
Permitted construction of detached buildings with the following conditions:
Maximum building height: Basement + four above-ground floors, with the fourth floor designed as a recessed floor.
Maximum gross building area (GBP): 600 m²
Maximum plot coverage: 40%
Minimum plot size: 600 m²
Minimum of 80 m² of plot per apartment (1 apartment = 1 parking space)
All utility connections are available on the main road.
Sesvetski Kraljevec – A Family-Friendly Neighborhood
A family-oriented area with all the necessary amenities for a comfortable living environment.
The ownership documentation is clear, and bank loan financing is possible.
Contact Information
Agent: Ana Jelecevic
ID CODE: 2626