£150,551 GBP | $194,692 USD
Type: Land-Plot
Floor area: 30.348,00 m2
Compass Real Estate Croatia
Maja Elez
Location: Croatia
Speaks: English, Croatian
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Advert last updated: 3/24/2025

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Attractive plot of land 30,348 m2, Postira, Brac
The subject land consists of 13 cadastral parcels, which together form a total area of 30,348 m2. One of the parcels is planted with 80 olive trees.
This spacious land allows for the construction of economic facilities within the registered agricultural farms and tourism services in a rural household. The maximum building area can be 400 m2 on the ground floor and 1000 m2 in the basement.
For interested buyersin we offer a complete solution for the construction of an object (geodetic study with the formation of a building plot, building permits, up to a solution for the minimum technical conditions for some of the registered activities).
The access road is provided right next to the land. The distance to the sea, specifically to Lovrecina Bay, one of the famous sandy beaches on the island of Brac, is 3 km. The island of Brac is well connected to the mainland with 2 ferry lines and an airport.
An ideal opportunity for a profitable investment!
Property ID: COMPASS-12023
Price: 179,999€
Property area: 30.348,00 m2
Tip nekretnine: Land
Property status: Sale
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