£267,647 GBP | $346,121 USD
Type: Land-Plot
Floor area: 3690 m2
Compass Real Estate Croatia
Maja Elez
Location: Croatia
Speaks: English, Croatian
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Advert last updated: 3/24/2025

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Building land plot, M1 zone, Klis, 3690 m2
We mediate the sale of an excellently positioned building plot in Klis, Brdo. The plot is located directly next to the state road D56 leading to Muc, with direct access from the south and north sides. On the plot, there is an unfinished, legalized ground-floor building with an area of 45 m2. Ownership is clear. Suitable for residential construction or commercial purposes. Contact us for more details; phone: +385 91 607 56 27 or email: maja@compass-realestate.hr.
Price: 320,000€
Property area: 3690 m2
Tip nekretnine: Land
Property status: Sale
Agency provision: 2,5 %
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