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Villa-House for sale in otvoskonyi Hungary EN Immobiliers à Vendre otvoskonyi Somogy FR Inmueble a la venta otvoskonyi Somogy ES Immobilien zum Verkauf otvoskonyi Somogy DE Immobiliari in Venditap otvoskonyi Somogy IT Immobiliën te koop otvoskonyi Somogy NL Imoveis venda otvoskonyi Somogy PT дома Продажа недвижимости otvoskonyi Somogy RU
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House in Ötvöskónyi, Somogy

£47,262 GBP | $62,441 USD
Type: Villa-House
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Floor area: 65 m2
Land area: 3005 m2
Date Built: 1950

Hungarian Houses
Jacob de Boer
Location: Netherlands
Speaks: English, German, Dutch
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Advert last updated: 9/18/2024
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House in Ötvöskónyi, Somogy

Neat house and you can start living here quickly. The house was painted inside and out in 2022. Roof is in good condition.

You enter the house in the hall and you will find the bedroom on the left. Going straight ahead you enter the kitchen and on the right there is the living room. From the living room you go to the bathroom. Next to the bathroom there is a storage room with the stairs to the top.

The plot is 3,005 m2 and there is a cellar and an outbuilding and barn. In the outbuilding there is a room and a shower. No toilet yet, but could become a nice guest house.

Water, gas and electricity are available at facilities. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The house is heated with gas convectors. Connecting telephone and Internet is no problem.

Ötvöskónyi with a 900 inhabitants is a large village and you can go here for the daily shopping. Tat a 1000 meters from the property here is a train station with a connections to Kaposvár (and then Budapest), but also to Lake Gyékenyes for a wonderful day of water fun.

Village is in a hilly area with a lot of forest. The larger city is Nagyatád at a 7 km. A real city with a population of 12,000 where you can find all the conveniences that a big city has to offer. Not only in the shopping area (Tesco, Lidle etc.), but also restaurants, cafes, bars etc. You can go to the swimming pool with thermal bath and beach. Also in Csokonyavisonta (21 km) those possibilities.

Wonderful area to relax, especially in the summer days. Of course also all medical facilities in the area. For golf lovers, it is good to know that the Hence golf course is only 22 km away.

Great house where you can enjoy the holidays, but also wonderful to live in permanently.

Price is in Euro.

Lease can be an opportunity.

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Map / Location
City: otvoskonyi
Region: Somogy
Country: Hungary
Main Features:
Size: 65 m2
Plot: 3005 m2
Date Built: 1950
Central Heating:
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