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Property for sale in Pisa, Italy

£265,848 GBP | $351,229 USD
Type: Property
Bedrooms: Studio
Bathrooms: 2

Horus-re Agency
Damiano Merler
Location: Italy
Speaks: English, Italian
email Contact Agent/Owner

Advert last updated: 9/18/2024
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Other than stress, we leave the problems to the chaos of the big city. For those who are fed up with all these buildings, concrete and gray everywhere, there is a fabulous farmhouse nestled in its own private wood in the heart of Tuscany, and just a stone's throw from the sea.
We are in Monteverdi Maritime and the scent of fresh bread is palpable when we enter the historic village typically perched on the hill by car, a scent that accompanies us along the way through the woods towards the house, where it joins that of the clothes hanging on the porch, where the our old friends or family enjoy a coffee and finally we think that we wanted nothing else from life. Coffee is finally just a pleasure to be enjoyed, not a continuous stimulus to stay awake.
This is the house you've dreamed of for a lifetime, all on the ground floor, with no elevator that breaks down and endless flights of stairs, a large kitchen in which to gather the family at Christmas or Easter, welcome friends on splendid spring days, for not to mention the possibility of growing one's own agricultural products, fruit, vegetables, if we want a chicken coop for our zero kilometer eggs. Here you can indulge yourself in all the recipes collected over the years and that you've never had the time to try... not to mention the barbecue area surrounded by agave and pine trees.
Other than land, here we have a real fiefdom with a forest in all respects. Here our farmhouse dominates with its cinematic veranda, good architecture with two bright and welcoming double bedrooms, a huge living area to say the least including a living room and a kitchen in a single open space with a modern feel and a large garage, all of course in the highest level of privacy possible.
Of course, with a small purely cosmetic and superficial modernization, for example by lightening the furniture and floors or even simply the color by working on lighter shades, it would give a real turning point to this farmhouse for those who love the modern style, while those who appreciate the authenticity and genuineness of the tradition here on the Tuscan classic is a sure shot.
It wouldn't be so bad to wake up one day and not have the thought of this or that other problem, perhaps induced by a squeal from a car or a fight between neighbours. Here silence, peace and serenity reign. What many want and which has always been the dream of all of us: to have a place that we can really, and I really stress, call our own. No more cities, customers, bureaucracies, wasting time in traffic, annoying with the neighbours. No more queues at supermarkets where ours always seems to be the slowest because something unexpected happens, punctually, every sacred time. No, we want to wake up and pick our figs, get the focaccia in the village and stuff it with the local ham. We want handmade, thick and incomparable cappuccino cream.
And for those who love freedom, here, once we have crossed the gate of the house, our driveway bordered by pine trees, our flowers and our plants will welcome us, there will be no problems waiting for us, but rather our little kingdom in which to live in serenity surrounded by the green of the olive trees and vines and the blue of the sky.
Private Garden
Window Bars
Vegetable Garden
Armored Door
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Map / Location
City: Pisa
Region: Tuscany
Area: Pisa
Country: Italy
Main Features:
Date Built:
Central Heating:
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