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Elegance Meets Heritage: Luxurious Living Overlooking Galata Tower

£537,182 GBP | $709,706 USD
Type: Apartment
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Floor area: 90 m2

pool Swimming Pool
heat Central heating
Mete Ekiz
Location: Turkey
Speaks: English, Turkish
email Contact Agent/Owner

Advert last updated: 9/18/2024
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Elegance Meets Heritage: Luxurious Living Overlooking Galata Tower

Step into the charm of 1830s Istanbul, where the resplendent Galata Tower stands proudly after its recent restoration. Immerse yourself in history while enjoying the contemporary comfort of this premier urban development. Featuring exquisite residences, state-of-the-art offices, and a luxury hotel, this landmark location offers unmatched access to iconic sites like Hagia Sophia, Taksim Square, and the Grand Bazaar. Discover a unique blend of historical allure and modern luxury in this award-winning project.
Air conditioning
Fitness GYM
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Map / Location

Exact location not provided - showing map of "Beyoglu" Turkey

City: Beyoglu
Region: Marmara
Area: Istanbul Province
Country: Turkey
Main Features:
Pool: check Pool
Size: 90 m2
Date Built:
Central Heating: check
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