- Photo: Brazil
Translated: Cinematographic farm of 566 Hectares with the most complete infrastructure. Farm with a total area of 5665 Hectares. Being 238 Ha of Cocoa 1485 Ha of livestock 1 Ha of rubber 134 Ha of forest and capoeira.Production = Cocoa 8,000 arrobas.Cajá 90 tons of fruit. Livestock with potential for 450 heads (fattening). With 12 pasture divisions. Water Resources = 1 medium-sized perennial stream4 large, medium and small-sized intermittent streams.3 Small-sized perennial dams.2 Small-sized perennial springs. farm is flat and slightly undulating. Improvements = 2 main houses 2 swimming pools 8 Barges 4 Greenhouses 1 Carpentry 1 Office 1 Corral 1 Scale 31 Workers' houses 1 Church 1 Artesian well 8 Sheds 1 Recreation club 1 school 1 pulper 1 soccer field Energy three-phase electric. Headquarters with cobblestone road. Visit appointment in advance and identification of the interested party....